Sunday 11 March 2018

Dahvie did have sex with Jessi Slaughter when she was 10-11 years old

Despite what everyone thinks Dahvie did infact have sex with Jessi Slaughter when she was 10 and 11 years old.  After she first spoke out about it he doxxed her, bullied her and had his fans bully her into retracting her statement and not pressing charges. This is what he does every single time and why he has gotten away with it for so long. Here is what Damien (formerly Jessi Slaughter) said recently. (I always believed she was bullied into retracting and I was right.)


  1. Yeah this is not evidence. You need hard concrete evidence to prove this and you don't have it. You can't just go off the word of someone. With how massive this story got, you'd think something would have happened. Police would have got involved.

    1. Actually in most sexual it is often based on the victims story as well as evidence and many cases have been made without physical evidence such as a rape kit for a multitude of reasons especially when there is clear and obvious signs of abuse sexually, physically, or emotionally. The police had been involved multiple times it was buried by both him and his supporters. Not only that but the fact that a grown ass 25 year old adult was assaulting an 11 year old girl over the internet is vile and disturbing. He gave out her phone number, her address, told his fan base to call her and harass her on his behalf. You do not need semen or a visual recording of the actual rape to not only press charges but to be valid. A lot of rapists don't get caught. Sexual assault cases can be very hard to get physical evidence for especially when it is an experienced child molester who has been getting away with it for many years and still it. He is still targeting a younger audience. So yes, in sexual assault cases, you can go off the word of someone. No one should EVER have to apologize for being raped. Especially a child. Grow up.

  2. Police did get involved retard.
